Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Turning of the seasons

Hello all,

It has been a while, but I too am guilty of checking the blog often to see if anything new has been posted and to look back and re-read older posts. It was habit for so long it is hard to break the cycle. The blog is still at the top of my favorites list on both my home and work computer so even getting to see the words Doctor Danda daily make me feel comforted and serve as a reminder of my wonderful cousin Alessandra. Everyone who has followed or participated in this blog made it whole- it was worldwide a family, but in all honesty there is a bit of a void or emptiness as I write on this blank page now. Without Alessandra on the other end to receive my words I realize it was created for her and she made it what it was. Without her I admit perhaps it is time to close this chapter of her life. Vicki and I thought that at year's end it might be a good time to put the blog to rest, but I am going to leave it to her as to when she would like to do so and will certainly let everyone know before we decide to. But the good news is all the words and memories are captured as a reminder that we may revisit whenever we like.

I have promised Vicki that we would download and create a book for James of this blog and I will be in touch with Mary, who I believed managed to do it once so I hope can do it again to capture the final words of the blog. I would then be happy to email a copy of it to whomever wishes when the time comes- no need to respond now since we have not captured it all yet.
On another note I did want to let everyone know that Vicki and Chiara had the chance to see James recently and there were happy to see that is continues to grow into quite the young boy. I think the pictures she sent along to me speak for themselves.

Much love to all always,


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hello! Miss you!

How is everyone? I'm missing Alessandra soooooo!! much!! I hear James is doing well and I can't wait to see him sometime soon. He is talking more, going to be starting school in a few weeks. A couple days a week. He loves the yard and riding the tractor with his father. No surprise there! I'm so glad Alex saw some of that when she was with us. I'm not nearly the writer she was but I thought I'd try to give everyone an update like Alex would.
Not to mention I just needed to come back here today.
My thoughts are with each and everyone of you!!!!