Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I too check this every once in a while just to see if anyone else feels like I do and needs to believe Alex is still around the corner. Especially in the summer which is when we did so much together.
This picture was in Spain 2007. It was the best vacation we ever had! This photo sits on my desk so I can see her smile and just remember her chuckle I love so much.
I was recently in Maine and stopped in to visit Lisa which was so wonderful, even more wonderful was I finally met Alexis our Blog leader, I hope to do it more often. We all do need to keep connected as I know that was always so important to Alex. If anyone is ever in the area please don't hesitate to call and come by.
Feeling a bit blue today and headed over to Franciscan Hospital where Alex worked at one time so not feeling great about it.
Loads of love to you all and hope everyone is having a great summer.


  1. What a lovely picture! Yup, that's the Danda smile that lights up a room, makes a gray day sunny, gives off the most positive vibes and just makes things "feel good". So, feel Danda's presence on a daily basis. Think of her and smile and your smile will have a ripple effect on everyone you meet! PS It is little James's 2nd birthday on the 16th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES!

  2. What a wonderfully brave lady Alex was.

  3. What a wonderfully brave lady Alex was.

  4. What a wonderfully brave lady Alex was.
