Thursday, July 29, 2010

Staying Connected

Hello All,

I have continued to check the blog. It has become a habit, a part of my day, and a way to feel closer to the journey Alex was on. I love to log on and see her sitting there on the boat, sailing on the water. I miss her desperately and hope that you all are finding ways to stay connected. There are so many times I have imagined her reaction to a funny thought, her encouragement in the face of self doubt, or some words of wisdom when I need it most. I can feel her with me when I make decisions at work, when I have a good day, and especially when I need a friend. I am so glad that I got to know a bigger part of her world through the blog and just wanted to send a quick shout out to those of you checking in once in awhile.



  1. It is always so interesting to me that after the initial shock of "losing" someone, it takes a little work to "find" them again. It is by accessing the memories that the person re-connects. Of course pictures help because the sight of a smile brings to mind a happy time. I just got a picture of James and guess what jumped out at me. Alessandra's long FLAT feet. Now there's an inheritance! And the back of his neck is pure Danda. And so it goes - little remembrances that make the person come alive in the mind's eye. I would prefer Danda were here, but I'll take it. It is better than nothing.

  2. Hi Lisa,

    I think of Danda so often too. Sometimes when I go back to not accepting she´s left, I almost hear her soothing voice and smile telling me it´s ok. Now that I´m 5 months pregnant, I think of her all the more as my maternal instinct grows day by day as does the love I feel for this little being growing inside me. In moments of doubt, Danda inspires me to believe, to see beyond...just like my father does from whatever place he´s at. And Danda´s smile, her unforgettable, radiant smile is always there cheering us mortals on through a life as beautiful as it can be mysterious and incomprehensible!

    Love, Sally
