Monday, December 27, 2010

Star Light, Star Bright

Over the holidays I thought about what I could write that would be worthy of the end of such a long journey, but in that time I realized the journey is not over, it continues. Each of us will go on living with Alessandra's memory inked on our hearts and minds. We will each in our own way try to live our lives as Danda would have wanted us to...fully.

She taught us all so much about strength, determination and compassion; for she embraced them all. That smile of hers with those dimples and bright eyes, her laugh- it makes me smile as I can still hear it in my mind- this is the memory of her we will carry. Danda loved family and given her international nature surrounded herself with people who became part of her extended family. As we supported her we will continue to support James and Julian in the years ahead because that is what families are for and what she would have wanted. May her star shine brightly in the night's sky and continue to offer us light in our lives. May pink peonies remind us of her many layers and graceful beauty. Her spirit will never fade.

Much Love,

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