Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A little goodbye

Dear All,

As Christmas draws near and we've come full circle from the moment our lives changed two years ago, I just wanted to thank everyone for all the words and thoughts and support you showed Danda and all of us throughout this time. This blog stands, quite literally, as the last chapter in her life, and so, as this chapter closes, I wanted to leave you with just a few of my favourite photos from this and other chapters in our life together:

This one taken on a holiday in Mijas, Spain, when Danda was 13. It is so her - her face never really changed, nor that expression, and there I am, this little kid who just loves her to death, always looking up to her.

I took this in the playground at Holland Park, and I remember thinking how beautiful Danda looked that day; and watching her holding James so tenderly, it was the first time I really truly saw her as, not just my sister, but a mother.

This was taken this summer in the Caribbean. Defy anyone to say she looks sick in this photo. The truth may be that here she was riddled with cancer, but this photo merely captures my Danda, 13 again.

And this, perhaps my favourite photo of all time. It hangs on my wall. Taken by my uncle Geoffrey in Santa Barbara, California. Happy happy days. I want to run in a field with her again, run with abandon, run so fast that maybe today's reality won't catch up. But maybe one day, somewhere, there will be a field like this and we can run together again.

I miss you Danda.


1 comment:

  1. Chiara carissima, I am sure you will run in beautiful fields with her again! And I am sure Danda is still by your side, cheering you on, smiling tenderly at her "sorrelina" and loving you as deeply as she did! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photos so full of positive energy and life...The turn of the year must have been hard in ways impossible to describe but I know you have the courage, love for life and positivity to always stand up again when the pain of your loss seems to overpower you. Danda is there to help a different way unfortunately, but as loving, powerful and alive as ever! Love you both, Sally
