Friday, April 23, 2010

Hi Panda,

The blog has been quiet lately... and so have I, letting work and a flu get the better of me for a few days. I've been checking the blog regularly though, and every time I saw Alexis' title to her latest post Cocoons spawn butterflies I imagined you spring up from under your blankets, with grace and a light step, no pain or trouble, a smile on your face and your arms extended towards James asking, "So, what do we do today?". Like a butterfly. (I keep up the visualization exercises).

I hope that by now pains and the need for cocooning are gone, or at least are less intense. How did the adventure of the clinical trial go in the end? I hope you made it in, but I also hope the schedule is such that you can go to S. Thomas for the wedding.

Here not much is new. Spring has finally arrived and the valley has become green and beautiful. A couple of weeks ago I saw the cherry trees in bloom, but the apple trees were only tentatively budding. By now they are probably full of leaves and flowers. As you can understand by my disinformation on the status of plants and flowers around here I've not been biking as much this season... yet. It will happen, I've just had a slow start :)

A big hug.

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