Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pink gloves and Easter blessings

Danda and family,
I hope you are having a gorgeous, happy day with spring flowers and a brimming basket of eggs for James and whatever else goes on for Easter Sunday in London. Rabbits are gamboling in our sunny yard but alas no children--all spending Easter elsewhere. However, we can't complain as we just spent five fun-filled days in San Diego with the two Seattle grandchildren and their parents and we will be with the three others within the next five days.
Loved the pink glove dance that Lolilla sent you! I hope everyone whom you see at the doctors' offices and in hospital when you have to go there is as spirited and full of hope as those folks! Very affirming.
I hope today your back and every other part of you is pain free. Ditto tomorrow.
Love to you and to all those who surround you and to all your troops around the globe, constantly awed at your forthrightness and grit and soul.

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