Monday, January 18, 2010

Dear Alex,

Had I been able to answer, I would have asked for the bad news first. I always want to know what is weighing you down, and what you wrestle against- sooner...It doesn't take away from your good time with your family and Nonna, which your pictures clearly depict. I just feel closer to you, knowing that you are not holding anything back.

I know that if you were here, I'd just hug you, my embattled friend. I don't have any great words to say to keep you lifted, and when we get punched, I think it makes sense to cry. So, if I was there, I'd cry with you. I do cry with you....

But, the truth is that you are an incredible force, and you will continue the fight. I just wish that you could have some relief.

Please don't allow those negative thoughts to prevail in your brain. They are toxic and just hurtful. Please continue to look forward toward health and recovery. You will win this battle, this race. We will always be by your side.

All my love to you, and a big,
long, crushing virtual hug.

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