Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tomorrow comes the Song

Danda, I saw this photo on National Geographic's website, taken of a cube of sea water. I think it's being offered as wall paper among other things. A jigsaw puzzle might be made from it as well! In that little cube there were over 600 individual organisms, all co-existing. It seemed a minute part of A GRAND DESIGN into which we are all thrust in our turn and which we make the most of in our various and sundry ways. You and all of us are part of that "puzzle." Why it is that you have been dealt the blows of "outrageous fortune" and not some other one of us is totally unanswerable, even as we rail against the unfairness of it and want to take Fate on in a dark alley with brass knuckles. I know we are all hovering close by, eager to surround you with love, encouragement, positive thinking, whatever we can to sustain and comfort you, especially when the news is temporarily not so hot. We will not rest tranquilly until you are over this hurdle, but like all these little sea creatures we are bound together to you and one another, believing that you WILL overcome. Alexis is right: you've got all those fine longevity genes from your nonna and they are stronger than the gene that has somehow gone awry and created this mess. There is a clear spot somewhere up ahead. At the end of the day at sleep-away camp, the director used to say, borrowing from a source I can't remember, "Faint not, fight on, tomorrow comes the song." I'm warming up my voice for that tumultuous day. Sending love to you and all the family.

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