Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello My Person!!

You keep doing the best you can and beat this!!!
You are strong and have overcome so much in the past year.
I can't even begin to imagine how you feel. I think you know me pretty well and I'd be doing the same thing you are and having all the same thoughts and no matter what anyone says I would be in my own misery!!
But that's me! You on the other hand can turn anything into a challenge and WILL defeat this crap!! We are all behind you and will pray like never before!! Keep that chin up and only positive thoughts!!!
I'm so glad you had the time with your grandmother. She looks great! Wow 102 she's amazing! You take what ever it is she's done and do that and more!
Your poem is wonderful and I'm sure it helped putting those thoughts in writing. Thank you for sharing it.
We all miss you and talk about you every day! Mark was over last night and sends his best to you and Julian.
Take good care of yourself and keep the chin up!
I love you!!!

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