Thursday, January 28, 2010

Those moments of peace...

Beautiful Danda, thanks again for sharing. Sometimes I´ve wondered if we´re not making you feel "obliged" to write on the blog especially when your energies drain and your marathon becomes longer and longer. But then I read your entries and your sincerity, your generosity in sharing, your amazing capacity to transmit the good and the disappointing, are so overwhelming and touching that I know that this blog is part of your path to Victory! In any case, another heartfelt GRAZIE for making us part of your battle and helping us feel close to you.

I also wonder at times if prayers and positive thoughts are not better than so many words? But then, I love to read every entry of your blog followers (and I often wonder how many millions of beautiful personal letters you must receive!). And I guess that, after all, troops need to be a little noisy, no?:) Well, querida, I just wanted to tell you how happy I am you have such an incredible sister! I actually had no doubts but what you describe is a true confirmation that all the strength, beauty and intelligence we saw in Chiara when she was growing up was real, as real as it can get. And, through this experience, she is flourishing all the more...just as you are. Danda, do you realize what amaaaaaazing things you´ve achieved in this past year? Do you realize how many obstacles you have surmounted and mountains you have climbed, and not just physically but mentally and spiritually? You are not climbing one mountain but many, and with each one you are given the opportunity to grow more and surprise yourself more (I can see you saying: "I´d much prefer not to have to learn!!!" And you´re so right! We all wish you didn´t have to go through this!!). But remember how sad and disappointed you were when you had to cancel your first trip to Rome? And then, look! You have some great photos and even more beautiful memories to show that you made it to Rome and to your 102-year old Nonna! Yes, in comparison, getting to Rome is a smaller mountain to climb than defeating the cancer but these are all impressive achievements. I think you´re doing a great job of realizing how healthy and strong you feel given the circumstances, and that is no minor sign to ignore!

In this different stage of your marathon, I pray that you may find those moments of peace that you spoke of some time ago in your blog. I wish that those rare moments may become less than rare and, actually, almost as pervasive as the positive thoughts you successfully nourish in your mind. I wish that those moments of inner peace may help you find the last "bit" of strength you need to win this battle of battles. Although this may seem like a war, I think it´s more of a race, a very loooong one, a sailing odyssey across oceans of all types. So I wish that the time will soon come when you no longer need to wage war against the cancer for it will understand that it has taught you enough, that it has made you even stronger and more beautiful than you were before, that it has mobilized enough love and positivity to realize it has no point in being inside you. I wish for it to drift away, dissolve, neutralize, vanish on its own accord.

I guess we´ll never understand why some of us get such tough, scary, unfair challenges and others are spared. But one thing is for sure, we are all given opportunities to grow and discover our human potential and the best way of thanking life is to try to learn as much as we can and not succumb to fear. You are a living example of how to find millions of silver linings when a huge dark cloud looms above you. When that ominous cloud finally drifts away and dissolves into millions of harmless water particles, you will see and feel the warm rays of the sun that was always there but the ominous cloud didn´t let you see.

Once again, I leave with you some words I read and wanted to share with you:

"Faith is the ability to stay focused on love no matter what, trusting it to bring about wonderful solutions and miracles....Distrust, on the other hand, is the opposite: it makes you believe that you have to do everything yourself, and all things in life are won through struggling, worrying and competing. Of the two feelings, which do you think is happier and healthier?"

With much love, Sally

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