Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Impossible" Dream

Hi Danda,

I hope the trip to Italy went marvelously well, and that you´re back safe and sound. Today on the BBC they mentioned the inspiring story of Geoff Holt, a quadriplegic who has single-handedly crossed the Atlantic onboard a catamaran called "Impossible Dream". Geoff has just arrived to his final destination: the British Virgin Islands, the place where he had the accident which left him paralyzed from the torso down 25 years ago. Geoff is also the first disabled person to have sailed around the UK solo! Thought his video may be as inspiring to you and our fellow bloggers as it has been for me!

And always on the sailing theme...yesterday, while I was doing some overdue tidying up, I came across an Ellen MacArthur quote which exemplifies her courage and audacity in beating the world record as the fastest solo circumnavigation of the globe in 2005:

No one knows what he can do until he tries
As is our confidence, so is our capacity
If it is to be, it is up to me
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart
Winners never quit, quitters never win
Make or find a way.

Bacione! Sally

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