Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wishing you Love and Renewal!

Danda dear, you may be feeling quite low as I write and this time it´s me who needs to take a deep breath as I learn to accept that this is what you need to go through in order to reach the ultimate healing that awaits you. I attach this funny photo from the Balearic island of Formentera (one of my favourite Mediterranean islands for having no high-rise buildings, surpringly well-protected dune systems, and breathtaking crystal clear waters!). As Formentera has been literally invaded by Italians, the Italian title of "Love and Iodine" on this beach "chiringuito" is not surprising. Love and Iodine? I find it great! Two key ingredients! Love, as has already been well exposed in this blog by various of your troops, has been an inseparable companion this past year permeating this roller-coaster ride of yours. No shortage of that, for sure! And iodine is one of the healing components of the sea. Iodine is therefore an analogy for the sea and all its physical, emotional and spiritual healing properties.

To me there is nothing as powerful, immense, vast, and healing as the sea. It is a vivid reflection of the wonders of this earth and of the powers of our own human experiences. At times, the sea has reminded me to be patient like the gentle waves washing up on a beach, one after the other, repeatedly, endlessly, soothingly. At others, it has whispered to my ear through the deafening sounds of a storm and its turbulent waters. It has whispered that it´s ok to bring out my most fiery emotions, to spill them out as the sea does for a few hours or days before it returns to it´s peaceful tranquility. But whether in turmoil or at peace, the sea is always real, true, faithful to Life in all its glory and its challenges. It never loses the connection with its inner essence. Deep below the surface the sea remains unruffled, quiet, at peace. No storm on the surface or human selfishness polluting and overfishing its waters can disturb that peaceful core. To me, Danda, you are similar to the sea. I have laughed, cried, admired, worried, believed, and risen up reading your blog entries. And each time I´ve read your lines, seen your beautiful self in photos or in person, and heard your gentle voice, I have been left in awe by your positivity, your inner strength, your capacity to keep smiling that generous smile we all love so much.

So now that the curtain has dawned on 2009, let us welcome 2010 wishing for, working towards, and believing in...Love and Iodine (in all its healing-related meanings)! I would like to finish off with a reference to that advice on not getting your hopes up. I admit that (as a very transparent dreamer...je, je!) I´ve been told the same more than once too. When I was younger I would get defensive or feel saddened by the words. Now with the benefit of hindsight and having lived the realization of various beautiful dreams in my life (thanks to perseverance, trust and a good dose of "testardagine"/"testarudez"/stubbornness!), I simply answer with my own variation of that famous quote:

Shoot for the moon, you might fall on a star!

No matter what, Danda, it´s a NEW YEAR and the fruit-picking time may be closer than you think! You have sewn sooooo many seeds in 2009, and you never know when they will start sprouting!

Love, Sally

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