Saturday, January 23, 2010

rain, rain go away

Dear Danda,

Thank you for sharing all the pictures. Nonna looks amazing and so do you! Remember you have Nonna's genes-there are none other that I would want to have for strength than that of an Italian woman! Thank you for sharing your news-it takes great strength to share disappointing news. I suppose that there is fear that if you say the words they might in fact be true. But it is true and we all have to succumb to a new battle plan and a longer fight, but like Nonna we are in and will prevail.

It has been raining here for a week. Relentless at times. It seemed every time I walked out a door it rained I pushed my umbrella against its force and made my way to my next destination. But for a brief moment yesterday the sun broke and set the evening sky aglow with blushing clouds. It was a beautiful sight and I thought to myself without all the rain this scene would not be possible-sometimes with gloom comes beauty and fresh perspective.

The cancer is the rain that seems to be never ending, but you are sun that continues to poke its head through and create these moments of unbelievable clarity and rays of beauty. Danda, do not give up, if you have the strength use it, we will be there to bolster you up when your brow becomes furrowed. We have you. Trust that we are there to keep you strong when you feel weak. And nearer and dearer you have James and Julian your knights in shining armor who will be the smiles that keep you smiling throughout each day.

I love you and are praying that this new cocktail of treatment causes the cancer to retreat. You deserve a break from it all-can you keep the islands as that vision on the horizon where you will sit under palms and wade in gin blue water? You must look to the future to keep you going; I am.


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