Saturday, March 20, 2010

Belated happy birthday!

I'm sorry that I didn't know it was your birthday and I hope it was a festive, fun day! The symphony of rain that Giovanna sent you was the most amazing musical accompaniment to the chorus of happy birthdays that you hopefully received!!! Brilliant.
So now you are waiting to see Dr. Plowman and find out the latest results and now I am visualizing more than ever before and imagining a healthy, clean slate. The darkest hour is just before the dawn, they say, so if this weekend tests your patience and fortitude and includes some fear-filled moments, it's surely predictable. Hopefully the skies have cleared there as they have here after the worst storm in 80 years last weekend. Trees and lines down everywhere, no power for 48 hours (Jim calls it the easiest way to clean out the freezer), and luckily only 4 inches of water in the basement. When the sun came out on Friday and the temperatures went to 65, it all seemed like a bad dream. I wish you the same clear warm skies, the better to play in the park with James.
We are off to San Diego on Monday to meet Sam and his family who will come south from Seattle to spend 5 days at Sea World and the Zoo and LegoLand and the beach. I'll be thinking of you all there and hoping to read the blog again with positive messages when I return. Hang in there. XO

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