Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hi, Alex -
I've been so silent on the blog. I know you understand, and still I am sorry. I miss feeling some semblance of daily contact. I want to be one of those lucky people flying across the pond to see you! I am thinking of you tonight on the eve of your appt with Dr. Plowman, and I'll be waiting with every single finger and toe and hair crossed, in the company of your full fleet of troops, for the news. And I know there will be good pieces and pieces that don't live up to your hopes, and I know that you will need to feel pain and sadness and anger and fear and desperation again before this fight is over. And I know that you will open yourself to that and rise above it and find hope and faith and courage and grace, and that you will keep running and fighting and living and loving. I just know all of that to be true. I can't wait to see you someday and put my arms around you and look into your eyes and hold your hand and tell you in person how much I love you. Can't get much more romantic than that, eh?! ;-) - Lindsay

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