Sunday, March 28, 2010


Here's a little something to focus on when things are a tad tough. Transport yourself to St. John's Hurricane Hole, a series of watery fingers that creep into a huge grouping of green mangroves that hug the shoreline. It is absolutely the most tranquil spot on earth. Once in a while, a fish jumps out of the water sending small ripples to infinity. A pelican skims the treetops looking for a school of fry - a tasty hors d'eouvers in the early evening. A donkey brays in the distance far across the bay. At dawn a rooster crows, birds twitter and the breeze ruffles the edge of the awning. This is the ALESSANDRA at anchor. Chris gave her to his friend John Holmberg, his wife Diane and ll year-old son, Kai, for a weekend getaway as they could not afford to go off-island for spring break when other kids go skiing and Disney-Worlding. Messing about in boats, snorkeling, fishing, or just hanging out, is as good as it gets according to Chris. Agreed, said Kai, who pronounced it the best vacation ever! They staid an extra day. This is exactly why Chris spent a year working on this lovely lady - just so he can offer the pleasure to others, and he can't wait to pipe you aboard for your first sail, your choice of anchorage, and music on the stereo. But perhaps the music should be natural - the sounds of the sea and the rustle of the breeze in the palms. Soon. Very soon, dear Danda.

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