Sunday, March 28, 2010

you are brave beyond words


I waited for the news of your latest scan and along with you held my breath for the news. Although it was not what you wanted to hear it sounds as if you have grown to handle the news good or bad with a new psyche. One of a woman in control. One of a woman strong and powerful. I am so proud of this woman you have grown in to. This is not to say that crying face down on a pillow makes you like a child. It makes you human that when in pain (as you have been with your back aches) that you would not be forced to tears. Anyone would be and especially someone who has endured as much as you have. Athletes cry. You are the ultimate endurance athlete so even at your bravest you may cry-it is your right.

I know that St. Thomas is on the horizon. What a gift it will be to see you, and hold your hand under a palm. I look forward to the day as much as you do. The whole family together like years ago. What a gift you will be giving me to make it not only to the wedding, but to our home-a place where Gran our grandfather raised our parents and you will spend time with your son and husband and your family! I cannot wait and am thinking good thoughts as you prepare to meet with the new oncologist this Thursday.

I love you!

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