Monday, March 15, 2010

My Challenge!

Dear All,

I want to tell you about a huge event that I am participating in. It is the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Challenge. It is a 60 mile walk over the course of 3 days. I am registered for the event in Atlanta and it will take place October 22-24. I know, I know, 60 miles is crazy, but here is my reason.

Since Alex has been sick, I have felt so helpless, wanting to do something to help her beat this stupid disease. Well, I came across this walk and thought that I could raise money toward breast cancer research and maybe be a small piece of helping Alex and many others through donating to research and community programming.

There is one more reason. I recently had the pleasure of spending time in London with Alex. I experienced first hand the healthy lifestyle she has been living. She not only avoids germs, but puts only beautiful organic foods that are good for her into her body, and on top of all she is going through, continues to go for long walks in the park to allow the sunshine and fresh air to do its magic.

This visit made me realize that we shouldn't be sick before we realize that we should not take our bodies for granted. I decided to get myself to a healthier place and taking this crazy walking challenge is part of this.

So, if you are able, I am hoping that you might visit my personal page to make a donation toward my walk. Any small amount will help. Just think, collectively as a blog family, we can make a step toward fighting this
F*#@KER. If you choose, you can visit, click on donate, and search for Mary Nash in Jacksonville, FL. There, you will find my page.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read this! Everyone here inspires me with every new post I read. This is truly a testament to what is good in the world. I will think of you all with every step of my training and Walk in honor of Alex's fight.

Much Love to All,

Mary Nash

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