Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hey You!

Ciao carissima,

It's unbelievable the things you have to go through in this marathon of yours! I too, like the lady at the hospital, I often ask myself how you cope, and I understand your answer very well. However, even if the answer makes a lot of sense to me, I still think you must be an exceptionally strong woman to cope. Your decision of again suspending work until you are better must have been particularly difficult, but I'm sure you're right, it will help speeding your recovery. You are a tough cookie!

I hope things have gotten better in the meantime. I saw that London is getting a few days of sunny and not extremely cold days. Hopefully you are given the chance to take advantage of this faint beginning of spring and are spending some time outside in the sun (nothing like the sun to recover one's good mood!) with James (well, maybe nothing like James to recover your good mood!) and the rest of the troops. By the way, the latest photo Eve posted is wonderful! It was nice seeing you all together there. You do look good; the strength of your body despite the many chemos is clearly visible!

Here not much is new. Spring is kind of coming, we had a couple of days in which the temperatures didn't go below 0 and we had some sun, but I still have not hopped on the bike again. Instead, we finally tried the mountains. Last weekend we went to try a sled track 10km long with some friends. We had so much fun! I ended up once in a big puddle (the snow starts to melt this time of year), once almost against a tree branch, and many times off the track on the tight turns. Of course there were many bumps on the track and we hit them without slowing down while racing each other. The day after we were all suffering from aches all over the body. But it was worth! I suspect you wouldn't have enjoyed much, knowing how much you dislike the feeling of being on a roller coaster. Nonetheless, I wish you that soon the only pains you feel will be a consequence of too much fun rather than too much medicine!

A big big biiiiiig hug!

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