Sunday, June 6, 2010

Golden girl and silver linings

To Danda's family and everyone who contributed to the blog: I can only echo the beautiful sentiments that have been shared on the blog since we learned that Alessandra had died. I think of her as our golden girl, as she shone so brightly over the course of her illness and shared it so honestly with us and gave us so much inspiration and made us feel so grateful for every day in a new way. The creation of the blog was such a wonderful gift from Alexis to her dearest cousin and to all of us: I, for one, got to know Danda in a way I never imagined and she will always be a presence in my life; I feel connected to all of you who were part of the blog and to Vicki, Marco, Chiara and Julian, and maybe most of all to sweet baby James whose presence was her daily tonic even through the worst moments. Please help me know what the best way to honor her memory and all her good works would be.
Stay safe and well and as loving as you have been for so many months, troopers, cheerleaders, and wise counselors.

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