Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To The Troops

Last night, at 2.30am, Danda left us.
She was so happy to have been able to go to St Thomas, and even though she spent many days in bed resting or sleeping, and sometimes in pain, she had lovely days too. She got to watch James play in the sand and sea for the time, see Alexis get married, sail on the Alessandra and sit on the beach at Magen´s Bay. By the end of the holiday though she was in a lot of discomfort and we knew the cancer had taken a renewed and aggressive hold, particularly in her liver.
She was admitted to Cromwell Hospital Sunday night, just a day after we got back, and we´ve been with her there for the last ten days. They kept her comfortable and pain-free, and she never lost her fighting spirit or humour even though we knew she was well aware things weren´t looking good. She was put on a morphine drip so had her lucid and non-lucid moments, progressively less conscious the last few days. It was very fast. On Sunday we brought James to the hospital and she was up and talking and watching him play on the hospital roof terrace. Two days later we were told she would probably not make it through the night. We were all with her. She fought so hard, she was so tired, and finally she had to let go. So many nurses came to see her, visibly upset. Some had avoided coming to see her as they said it was too hard. Her doctor, Adam, told her she'd been an inspiration to the entire staff. One of her wonderful nurses Paul gave us a hug before leaving and said it had been a privilege to care for her.
It still doesn't seem real - that I no longer have my big sister with me. But so it is, and I just wanted to thank you all for this wonderful blog. It meant so much to her and gave her such strength, an outlet for her thoughts. If there is one good thing to have come out of this is that she got to know just how much she was loved by everyone.
I never wrote on the blog - a little superstitious thing perhaps, keeping all my focus on her. But now I just want to thank you, thank you, thank you, and that I´m so sorry she's not the one posting the latest message.


  1. My Dear Vicki ,
    I just read Chiara's messsage .... It's difficult to find the right words at this moment ... God bless you all and try to remember all the beautiful times you had with Alessandra ...

  2. Dear Vicki and Chiara,

    Thank you Chiara for your tender message. You have honored the word sisterhood through your unconditional love and care for Alessandra. Bless you,Chiara and may you be helped in your distress.

    Dear Vicky, motherhood has taken another meaning through you. It encompasses extreme sadness and utter joy and in between total support. May I express my admiration for you and your family.

    Dear Alessandra, I will never forget your exquisite soul when you were with us which you expressed through your refinement and your gentle manners. You have shown me the way towards humanhood. Were there any more qualities to acquire on this earth for you? You had them all Alessandra and so many of us found in you the very essence of spiritual beauty. Like the Petit Prince, you have gone back to your rose, leaving here a perfume we will never forget.

    God bless you

  3. Dear Chiara,

    You don't know me but I too lost a sister 8 years ago. Her name was Cynthia and she was Alessandra's classmate and friend. I regret not keeping in touch and letting Alessandra know how grateful I am for all the love and support she gave me and my family during what is still the most difficult time in our lives. I'm certain that Cynthia is guiding Alessandra through the clouds of heaven.

    Please know that you and your family will be in our prayers.

    With our deepest condolences,

    Alexandra Stirling

  4. Dear Chiara
    I cannot tell you how much meeting Alessandra changed the path of our family's life. We must be one of many such lucky families. We feel your loss very deeply.
    I want you to know that when we had our last little coffee together she told me how incredible you have been.

    I feel so unbelievably lucky that our paths crossed and I hope that it will be some comfort to you all to know the everlasting positive effect Alessandra has had on all of us.
    Much love to you, your parents, James and Julian,
    Maria, Alexandros, Eleni and Sofia Kedros.

  5. Hi Vicki and Chiara,

    I can't breathe!!
    I love you all and will never, never forget my beautiful best friend!!
    All my love to you all now and always!!!
    Eve and Steve

  6. I'm saddened to say I didn't know most of you. I only knew Alessandra from our Runnymede days and I feel blessed to have reunited with her through this blog and gotten to know her amazing friends and family through the many beautiful posts.
    I am heartbroken and so, so deeply saddened. To her parents, I know the pain of losing a child and I am sorry beyond words for your pain. To the rest of you I send huge hugs from Los Angles.

  7. My heart is hurting so much for all of you...for all of us. I know she will always be around you. Her love and energy was so strong and she remains, so wonderful.

    We are another one of the families lucky enough to have had a few hours of Alessandra's precious time. We are forever grateful.
    Mary Jane, Jeff & Hannah Kupsky

  8. I have followed your long, brave journey beautiful girl. I stayed at a distance, respectfully, in silence watching you become a greater and greater soul. It was a pleasure to have know you although briefly. When I met you I felt you were very special, now I know you were extraordinary. Hai Vinto Tu Alessandra! In life what really matters is not WHEN we go is about WHO we are when we go. I believe by now you just simply belonged to a better world. You were blessed for having such wonderful friends, family and a unique and amazing sister, in turn they are so blessed to have been able to accompany you and will forever be inspired by you. And to James what a great example you will always be! I am sure you will have even great powers now to protect and accompany him on his earthly adventure! What a legacy you leave behind beautiful girl, thank you Alessandra for everything you have taught me, Ingrid

  9. Dear Family,
    I, too, am sorry that I didn't post to this blog. I kept reading and hoping for a miracle, though! I am really glad to read about the Islands trip and Alexis's wedding. I know that meant so much to everyone to be together. I am sending you lots of love from New Zealand.
    Anna Sheffield

  10. Dear All,

    I am terribly sorry for Alessandra's passing. Although I've followed her blog, I too, am guilty of not posting comments. Alessandra was an inspiration to all those who crossed paths with her. She will be terribly missed.



  11. Dear Ingrid,

    I don't know who you are and would like to know. My email is

    Vicki (Alessandra's mother)
