Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thank you for the silver linings

Thank you Sally, for the glowing and detailed account of Alessandra's memorial service. I wish I could have been there with all of you, and this was the next best thing. I am sure that she is chuckling away at all the compliments, and blowing them off in true Alessandra style!

Speaking of silver linings, the other day I found a silver picture frame with a photo of the two of us on the Duraton field trip, 1990 - talk about vintage. This goodbye present, and a note in cheeky yet heartfelt Alessandra style, giving me her regrets and also her blessings as I left the school and moved into research in the US. The final sentence in the note was 'don't give up teaching altogether'. I didn't, and after all those years re-reading that wise little note again confirmed what all of the blogs have underlined. A very special person, Alessandra, unforgettable.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nora (to me, always Miss Comiskey, my wonderful biology teacher!!!), I´m glad you read my entry and have reminded us of Danda´s humour:) Wishing you all the best! Sally
