Monday, February 1, 2010

short post

Dear Alex,

Thanks for writing. I have been thinking about you a lot, and wondering how you are. I'm so glad that you have all the support that you do, especially Chiara. She's always had a lot of wisdom, and I'm so glad that she's right there with you.

It makes a lot of sense that you have doubts and fears because you're dealing with such unbelievably scary thoughts. But, I'm happy that you have armed yourself with responses before the thoughts barely sink in. I imagine it is a constant battle.

I don't want to idealize you because I know that you did not choose to be in this position, but, I hope that you know how much you influence all of your troops. It may sound silly, but with my impending childbirth and all the fears and unknowns, I so appreciate your inspiration and hope. Your strength is and continues to be incredible to witness. You have what it takes to beat this - and to beat anything.

Much love and strength to you.

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