Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A big hug

Hi Panda,

Long time no see... Sorry for being away for so long, but work has been intense and I plunged into it with enthusiasm. I thought of you every day though, as it is my routine now, and sent you my good vibes daily.

I know how much you love your work and I've been thinking about it often since I moved here. Your work is your calling and you do it with dedication and passion. I admire that. For a long time (since I moved here actually) my work has been more stressful than pleasant. Sometimes I thought that I had lost interest in what I'm doing. But now things are moving forward in a good way and I like my job again. I still have a lot to learn from you, but I'm moving in the right direction! So now that I got some fire back I'm trying to catch up on many things that have been slowing down. It feels good... and it keep me busy!

In addition, we had Oori's sister's visit last week. She found a cheap last minute flight and, voila`, she improvised a visit. It was a nice surprise and we had such a good time, although we ended up not doing much (mostly working! and eating local food).

It was very nice reading the description of your day, even if it was a shitty one. Do you know the series of Fantozzi movies? It's (very) low level Italian humor, but it's a classic. Fantozzi is a man who can never do the right thing and everything goes the worst possible way for him. Your day felt like a sketch from one of those movies, like Murphy's laws in full blast. But I liked reading about it nonetheless, because it was so real and detailed that I could picture every moment of your day and I felt a bit closer to you. I could even feel James's nuzzle!

How have things been going since? I hope you had better days and more and more nuzzles. You should have had another chemo. How are the side effects? I want you to read that you had some wonderful day, a day that was happy from start to finish. I so strongly wish you to get back to normalcy soon! NOW!

A big big hug.

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