Monday, February 1, 2010


Alex -
I want to have peaceful, inspiring and inspired words to share. Instead I'm kind of all a jumble. That's been true for awhile, which is why I haven't been writing as much. I decided that was silly. I don't need to write to be inspiring -- I need to write to be connected. So, know that I am out here, far away by land but holding your hand in spirit, and wishing I could be there right now. I love you and I want this f*&%er to go away and leave you alone. I want a long talk over tea, wrapped in blankets; or arm in arm walking through the city (remember the walks we used to take at lunch at Tufts?). I want to cry together and laugh together and find lightness together. Chiara is, indeed, full of light. I love hearing you describe her amazingness. Chiara, you are a true goddess.
Lots of love - Lindsay

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