Thursday, February 18, 2010

Let Spring come along!

Not much I can say except....EVVIVA DANDA!!! You are truly amazing and your closest troops too! And what a precious, joyful and innocently wise Valentine you have in little James. All that positive, loving energy multiplying around and within you will tire the cancer cells and, as Chiara says, will make them peacefully surrender until they realize there´s nothing for them to do in your body. The other day I saw a short documentary on a woman with cancer who had been given very little time to live by the doctors. One day she was walking amidst nature with her husband and they came across a sick tree. Its side was full of holes and it seemed dead. Then, to her amazement, she went to the other side of the tree and it was was beautiful and full of healthy branches and leaves! For her it was a sign that she could live with her cancer without giving into it, that she could really focus on nourishing all the positive things in her life (including her healthy parts) and continue living as did the tree. She has lived way beyond her "death sentence" nourishing her diet, her emotions, her mind and her soul and accepting those cancer cells that have remained stable within her. I guess there are many ways to beat cancer, and this one was quite suprising!

Un beso enooooorme! Love, Sally

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