Monday, February 22, 2010

Here comes the Spring

Dear Alex,

I have hoped and prayed that the few weeks of silence meant you were off "living it up" as you say. Indeed, you were focusing on another gigantic hill (or mountain) on this long distance marathon. True to form, you could never just do a marathon, my dear friend Alex, you are on an Iron Woman course. Every hill makes it harder and harder for the cancer to put up a fight. I hope there are wonderful water breaks this week that allow you to feel free from the routine of treatment, to focus on the moment.

I have been trying to catch glimpses of the Olympics. It makes me think of you Alex. I think of you as I watch the skiiers fly through the air - years of hard work, focus, determination, and sacrifice to get there. I think of you when I see the faces of the gold medalists and imagine you up on that podium with your very own medal - that being - cancer survivor. I will be there at that ceremony in the audience - in awe and clapping as loud as I can.
I love you.


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