Sunday, February 28, 2010

a spring fling


Thank you for sharing so much about your most recent bout with illness- I know it is so much easier to talk about the happy times instead of the hard ones. You are an inspiration of the power of positive thinking. Even when you think you are weak you show us all your strength. I love you with all my hear which is why I send you a taste of the outdoors from half around the world. I hope you can take in these pictures of my hike today and feel the cool air on your face, the warm sun on your back, and the clean, fresh air entering your lungs. I firmly believe the outdoors for just a short time everyday will give more strength and health than any pills. The earth is unbelievably healing-look at nature! It sleeps through the winter and by spring it comes up fresh and new every year.

I hope this spring makes you fresh and new-maybe some island sun, ocean breeze and lapping waves are your nature.

I love the most recent pic of you all--good looking crew!


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