Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fight the **c!er!!

Dear Alex,

This is a quick post that I've been meaning to write to add to Karen's note about our walk. (Big thanks to Karen for organizing us troops!!)
Last night I came home to my crazy husband wearing his "Team Alessandra" shirt. I made him an honorary shirt last week despite the fact that he didn't walk with us because he was attending a friend's bachelor party in NY. But, sweet and loving guy that he is, he apparently put on the shirt last night as he busied himself around the house awaiting my return.

Some of the shirts, Victor's included, had "fight the **C!er" on the back in honor of your fighting spirit against cancer. I went a little tamer on others, and wrote softer sentiments, like "Believe", and "Good News"....because we were walking with Rachel's and Karen's moms, and little three year old Annika....
However, I did end up writing "fight the **C!er" on Annika's because Joanne insisted that Annika likes to state things the way that they are. Very cute kid :)

Anyway, just trying to broaden your smile. Your troops had a nice time walking for you, and we love you dearly. We hope that next year you can wear your Survivor sash and walk with us. Until then, I wish we could collectively take away your pain. Many virtual hugs,


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