Friday, October 16, 2009


Hi Panda,

I can't believe someone shoved you in the pond! I have to admit that the way you told the story made me laugh out loud, but you must have had a pretty tough hour there. Whenever I try and imagine how your day is going I have never, ever imagined you splashing in the Kensington Park pond! And this is so funny that I can so easily picture you in there... this is dangerous, I should use my imagination to put you in better situations ;)

Your burns are also very... colorful (to say a neutral word...). It's unbelievable how burns can come from inside the body, as if you had a fire sitting under your feet and hands all the time, but from the other side of the skin! That must be really difficult. Luckily you're going to have "only" three more weeks of this. Three weeks are still a lot, but the change in schedule after the last round will hopefully get rid of this problem. I really hope so!

A big hug, superwoman!

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