Monday, October 5, 2009

One Last Thought of the Day.

The posting of the walk and the photo of "Team Alessandra" brought me to tears. I am so very lucky to have such wonderful, caring, and thoughtful troops. Thank you so, so much for supporting me in this way, in addition to the hundreds of other ways I feel and hear your cheers. I am touched beyond words.

Goodnight to all.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Alex

    I found a letter which you wrote to me dated 13 years ago when I was packing today. It must have been a sign. I did try to get in touch with you in Spain but was not successful. Therefore I asked Chi (remember him?) to try to see if you have a presence on the net. Alex, we would like to reconnect with you again. Please do contact either of us at the following email addresses:

    Mei Wai:


    Mei Wai
