Saturday, October 10, 2009

Miniature kiwi

Hi Panda,

How is this Saturday afternoon going? I can see you playing with James, talking with Julian, writing some report, resting with a good cup of tea. I'm sure you also spent some time today looking at the many photos Chiara must have brought from Australia.

I went to the organic Saturday market in the morning. I discovered something that I had no idea existed: miniature kiwis. They have
a technical name that I now forget, but I saw on the internet that they are also called hardy kiwis. They are as big as a grape, green, with a smooth peel. You eat all of them, including the peel, which is soft and tasty. They do really taste wonderful, like kiwis, but more tasty, a bit sweeter and with a soft pulp that melts in your mouth. I don't know if kiwis are good in your diet, but I thought that these mini-kiwis would make for a very interesting addition to your juices. They are like wonderful berries, so if you've never tried them, throw a few in the juicer!

A hug.

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