Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reflections of Gratitude on a Sunday Morning.

Dear All,

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." ~G.K. Chesterton

My hair blew in the wind yesterday. I felt it, and almost burst into tears. Hard to describe how sweet it felt to experience something so simple that I had lost for some time now. It made me feel all that more alive. My hair blew in the wind!

My little one is sleeping soundly in his room, snuggled under his blanket, his arm around his toy sheep which, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of his most treasured possessions. He played tag with me this morning, he built me castles of blocks, he gave me hugs and eskimo nose kisses, and showered me in smiles. We shared cinnamon toast, and danced to "Big Barn Farm".

My sister is coming to visit me today. I have not seen her in a month, given her trip to Australia and then her bout of flu. I cannot wait to wrap my arms around her, and have her with me again. Her energy is infectious, her positivity is contagious. Her presence is simply wonderful.

Julian is out in the garden in Sevenoaks - digging up carrots and squash and onions that he planted for me months ago, and picking apples off the many trees in his orchard. He will lug bagfuls home later this evening, via train and bus, to pour onto our kitchen table and feed us with organic goodness.

My body has fought off a cold (pond-induced, I am sure!) in a mere 48 hours. What came on fully as a bad sore throat and very stuffy, runny nose, has now receded to almost nothing. No need for aspirin, Sudafed, antibiotics... my counts are low, and yet my body kicked this autumnal chill out of the ballpark without a problem. "I am strong", my body reminds me, "I am strong!". I am ready for round #15 of chemo tomorrow.

Hugs to All.

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