Monday, December 7, 2009

bringing you some sunshine

Dear Danda,

You never know if what you post will be taken lightly or will hit heavily as words over a computer cannot see the face they are speaking to. I only hope that my words helped give you a laugh and did not in any way diminish what you are feeling in recounting the year gone by. I guess these days to smile feels better than to cry so that is what I try to project whenever possible.

I will say it was an honor the other day to attend yoga for the first time in over a year. I was intimidates as always wondering what balancing act I was going to have to perform in front of the yogies who surrounded me. But instead I was greeted by a woman who was much older, but looked fit. Her mat was next to mine. I coughed a few times before class as a reaction to a shortness of breath issue I was fending off (glad to report it is gone now). She asked that I cover my mouth when I cough since she had Leukemia. "I am so sorry," I said. "I didn't even realize I was not covering my mouth. I am not sick," and then went on to explain what I was suffering from. We both laughed- we agreed that it just seemed so wrong that an antibiotic that was supposed to make me better, made me worse. She said that given her illness she should not even be in a class like yoga with all the germs. And I thought she is the one person who should be here, I should be the one thinking of covering my mouth!

Anyhow, she finished the hour and a half long class and at the end I complimented her on her overwhelming strength and fitness given her disease. She told me that she felt great despite her cancer not being curable she was thankful for every day of remission. She was a beautiful person. I just thought I would share that. I guess for me, if I met you one day and had never met you before I would probably say the same thing to you. You are strong and you are beautiful Alessandra!


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