Saturday, December 26, 2009

Into the Path of Peace

Dearest Danda,

It has been much too long since I've posted due to travels and a long, very sick fall for little Lucas. But you have not been far from my thoughts (nor has Chiara! A shout-out to you, my bestest friend!), and I have been following your adventures faithfully, grieving with you over your uncle and laughing out loud at your being able to go for a run (wOo-HoOo!). And I'm so glad that your sternum is again feeling better, even as you feel weakened by this latest round in your epic boxing match. What a year indeed!

It is no longer December 25, but as I've been reflecting on the season this week, I've been giving a lot of thought to the original Christmas story. Regardless of one's beliefs and background, what is beautiful about this narrative is all the hope and promise it represents: the reason that angels sing, shepherds watch in awe, and magi trek from a world away is because they believe that this one little baby will restore all that is broken in the world.

So as you celebrate with Julian, James, your family, your friends, your troops . . . as you drink your green tea in these days of treatment and aftershocks . . . as you ponder the wild ride of a year that you've had . . . consider too the Christmas story and its unwavering idea of restoration and hope. For that is what you have to look forward to! Dear Danda, may your spirit feel renewed in these days, and may your body be restored to its fullest and best in this coming year.

I leave you with some of the words from that original account, spoken by a Jewish priest as he contemplated his hope to come. May 2010 be like that rising sun that disperses every shadow, and may these days bring you a deep and confident sense of peace.

"Because of the tender mercy of our God,
By which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
To shine on those living in darkness
And in the shadow of death,
To guide our feet into the path of peace."

All my love,

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