Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Never, never give up!!!

Cara, carissima Danda,

We've finally managed to connect to the Internet at my grandmother's in Rome and my only mission now is to check your blog and finally write you a few words. Until three days ago I was permanently glued to the computer finishing a consultancy report in Madrid, so the only thing that could motivate me to have my eyes meet the computer screen again whilst on holidays was your beautifully touching blog! I missed hearing from you and feeling the warmth and unwaivering trust of your faithful troops. I missed your heart-rendering accounts, your beautiful spirit rising through your words and surfacing from your tears.

Yes, it's been a year and how we all wish you could have the Christmas gift you so deserve! We all hoped to have witnessed your complete recovery by now...but as your uncle said: it is as it is. Or as I was told by a wise man a few years ago, meet life as it meets you. We are still with you, Danda, as the battle continues and your marathon becomes longer. No matter how long the marathon or how difficult the battle there will be an end and we, with you, believe the end will be what you wish for, what you fight for, what you believe in. I often wonder how many of the amazing discoveries of this world would not have taken place if a certain someone had not believed, had not gone beyond the reality of circumstances and brought on a new reality that few dared to dream. Things that seem so obvious and banal to us were revolutionary when they were first introduced as concepts and later proven as facts: the earth being round, planes being able to fly, steel boats being able to float, the force of gravity, man landing on the moon and reaching the depths of the ocean, buses where black people can sit with white people...the list goes on and on.

So, beautiful Danda, may you be imbued with Christmas's gifts of peace, love and hope. May you be wrapped in all your family's warmth, and see the promise of your bright future in their loving eyes. May you rediscover your amazing inner and outer strength through every Christmas note you listen to and every crisp scent of winter air you breathe. Above gentle with yourself (I know I've said this before so forgive the "nagging nanny":)!). No matter how much love we can give you as your troops, friends and family, the most important source of love and strength is that deep within you. Keep finding the strength you've so courageously brought out to overcome this gigantic obstacle (no matter how enormous it still remains an obstacle, and as such has a way around it, over it, under it or through it!). Find the strength and also find the love and compassion towards yourself that you so deserve and that will ultimately take you to the victory line. Believe, fight, trust...and love yourself immensely, deeply, caringly.

Your troops are always pushing from behind believing, fighting, trusting and loving in our own limited ways. We each add a little drop to your immense ocean of courage, perseverance and positivity. Remember that although you have not reached the finish line yet, you have already overcome many, many, maaaaany obstacles and come out victorious of numerous battles. So I guess your biggest Christmas gift to yourself should be a huge, heartfelt and loving pat on the back!!!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Love from Sally, Linda and Gin (and Gin Papa from his other home)

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