Monday, December 28, 2009

sending love

Hi, Alex -
I just wanted to say hello and let you know I am thinking of you, as always. We had a lovely Christmas in snowy Vermont, and we're making the most of the kids' vacation. Lots of skiing, cross-country skiing, sledding, and potluck dinners with saunas and hot tubs with friends in the evenings. Around here, winter has the opposite effect of hibernation -- it's the most social time of the year! I wish I could fly you out here to share in the festivities and show you off to my friends, here. We head to Maine with my family for a few days tomorrow, returning in time for the weekend fun around here. I'll try to get some photos of the girls skiing to post, soon. I hope you are finding some moments of winter peace, and that you are wrapped in the love of family and friends. More soon. I love you and I miss you - Lindsay

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