Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sending My Love!


I am so sorry that I have been absent from the blog for a bit. It is with a heavy heart that I come back and read your latest posts. I am so sorry to hear that another mountain has been shoved in your path. I sincerely wish that I could take this burden from you and carry it over the next mountain and help give your body a rest. However, I also know that inside of you is the heart of a lioness who is not going to let any obstacle get in her way. The cancer is trying to make you think that its impossible. But don't listen to it. Great heroes have made history by making the impossible possible and you can do the same. So, today, I leave you with all my love (gosh I wish I could do more) and the words of Shel Silverstein:

Listen to the Mustn'ts child,
listen to the don'ts-
listen to the shouldn'ts,
the impossible, the won'ts-
listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me.
Anything can happen child.
Anything can be.
~Shel Silverstein

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