Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The One Constant

I know I haven't weighed in lately in the blogesphere, but my world has been circling elsewhere, and distractions, though I try to keep them under control and in order, are many and appear out of the blue - rather like clouds. At one moment the sky is bright and full of sunshine, the ultimate perfection. Then, dropping down from the stratosphere, a whisp of a cloud comes into the picture. Then the wind comes up, and there are clouds everywhere, layers of them, some moving west to east at great speed, others nearer our earth scud north to south, building up huge, heavy mountains of gray. They pour rain upon me, and they are full of sound and fury. "Signifying nothing" as Shakespeare would say, because they are transient. Eventually the blue sky and hot sun return, bathing everything in the beauty of being. But, guess what is the one constant?

LOVE, that wonder of wonders, bubbles up and smoothes the water, quiets the storms, makes the sun shine in heart and mind. You really don't have to look for it under rocks and bushes. You don't have to self-flagellate to find it, as it is always there in the air we breathe. Sometimes we can even taste it, as in tears, because surely tears are an expression of LOVE held so tightly within us that, eventually, it erupts and spills over our eyelids. Why are we crying? Because we are overwhelmed with LOVE and by LOVE as in LOVE of life, LOVE of husband, LOVE of child, sibling, mother, father friend, LOVE of all God's creatures, and I might add, LOVE of self. This is natural, OK, good. LOVE in all its forms will see you through the darkest of nights like a shining star in the east. I believe there is divinity in LOVE. Can you feel it?

I tried to count all the times the word LOVE has been posted in this blog since its conception. I gave up! It was just too large in scope. It is the ultimate LOVEfest! You are awash in LOVE!

1 comment:

  1. This feels so so wise. It's true. All of the tears are really about love. Whenever I feel anxious about my own mortality, or my kids' mortality, or sad about being separated from them, i always try to reframe it for myself: "I'm only feeling anxious about something bad happening because I love them so much. This anxiety/fear/sadness is really just an expression of my love. And what a beautiful thing it is to get feel so much love." It feels like such a simple and true reminder for Alex. We can search a nd search for the right things to say to help her feel strong, or to help share her pain, but the deepest truth doesn't need to be sought out. It is all about love. Thanks for this post - Lindsay
