Friday, January 23, 2009

Chapeau, wig or art?

There is something to be said for a blank canvas. Churchill wrote, in PAINTING AS A PASTIME, several pages on how intimidating, challenging and darn right exciting a blank could be. There is a poem by Richard Realf - stanza 3 -
Back of the canvas that throbs, the
painter is hinted and hidden;
Into the staue that breathes, the soul
of the scultptor is bidden.

So, here we have Danda, round of head, and full of spirit, in need of something to warm not only her brain casing but something to bring levity to a less than enchanting situation. I propose a HAT CONTEST. Well, not really a contest but some creative suggestions for head adornment.
As Danda lives in the UK, home to some of the most fabulous headpieces of all time, there should be no problem finding proper fodder. Take The Crown, for instance, a large bulbous, not particularly light and airy concoction. It lies heavy of the head. Each neck that has balanced it looked a tad stiff I thought. Perhaps they were contemplating the fates of their forebears. Just the other day, at the Inauguration, we were given the pleasure of listening to Aretha Franklin warbling, as only she can, one of our nation's most beloved series of notes. Who listened?! We were fixated on the hat! Now here was a milliner's magical moment! Dr. Suess, eat your heart out! Here was a big gray bow, rhhinestone deliniated, sparkling in the crisp winter air, firmly tied on top of a talented package.
Consider a few of hatdoms other renown glories - Coco Chanel and her minimalist cloche; Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany peeking out from under her black garden hat; Audrey again, at Ascot in My Fair Lady, wearing a Cecil Beaton black and white dazzler; HRH Elizabeth wearing what looks most times like a pasture patty she has just picked up at Ascot; Fred Astaire in top hat and tails; and so the pictures of hats pop into the mind. Do you have a favorite?
Let us not forget "body art". I have seen some incredible examples, so one wonders what such an artist would do with Danda? Chiara, are you up for it? Please use water colors or stage makeup.
Danda, I kiss the top of your pretty round head. Feel, from afar, the warmth of that kiss in the chilly English air and know that I am really there with you. LSC

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