Friday, January 23, 2009

Thinking of you....and procrastinating my work(!!)

So, this is my first attempt at blogging- but, I'll do it for you Alex! And, I'm also taking your advice to put off my work and instead connect with people who matter... Alexis, great idea, and great way to keep us all feeling close.

So James is just delicious, and I wish he were closer, too, so that I could give him (and his mother) a big hug. Also, Alex, you look lovely no matter what the #&* cancer is doing to you on the inside. Please never doubt that. You would look fabulous as a blond, or a redhead as well...maybe you could experiment?? :)

Seriously, I love to hear your fighting spirit and I have no doubt that you will prevail...I also loved your account of the nurse's shutting the door so that the other nice patients would not have to hear you swearing :) But, swear on, my friend. I'm swearing right here with you (it's a good thing I work from home on Fridays :)

Alright, back to work....for a little while more. Miss you.

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