Monday, January 26, 2009

Hats off to you!

Danda, we need to keep you warm since you say you have been so cold with a bare head! I can a very Chiara and Alexis kind of way (since this is something I can picture us all having a laugh about!), I can relate. When I get the hair waxed off my legs, there is a chill I feel. It is colder and I wonder why would I remove hair that was there for a good reason...clearly to keep my legs warm! But with the sex appeal of hairy legs being very low here in America and give in and take it all off. Hopefully, that has given you a laugh for the day! But seriously...

I have been keeping my eyes peeled for hats for my cuz, but with spring product filling the stores, yes, that I do mean spring product despite the fact that most people are still digging their cars from the snow in most parts of the country, it seems winter hats have been laid to rest. But alas, sometimes that means you can find great bargains! So I have found you this little tweed hat that I think is really stylish and my twist is for extra warmth that you wear a colorful scarf under it. It also gives a pop of unexpected color under the brim of the hat! I clearly watched Queer Eye for the Straight Guy for too many years! So, prepare to be awed by my find because it is coming your way! Enjoy! I can only hope our heads are the same size?! Hmmm, if not, I will try and again and Vicky can wear it so you both can be women who don hats everywhere they go!

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