Sunday, January 25, 2009


Alcatraz - sounds like an Alka-Selzer with no fizz. Can you think of a worse place to spend your time? Cold and dank and lifeless. Unlucky were the souls who inhabited its shores. I am not sure I would even choose to go on a tour of the place. I would rather head for gentler climes, greener hills, bluer seas. I can do this in my mind, which given the lack-luster economy, is a cheap and satifying means of travel. I am currently reading a book called FOR THE BEAUTY OF THE EARTH subtitled birding, opera, and other journeys. The author is one Thomas Urquhart. Educated in England and the US, he has been the Executive Director of the Maine Audubon Society hence the interest in feathered friends, but I submit it was his early years in West Sussex, the village of Amberley to be exact, that connected him to our planet both visually and through the written word. Urquhart is well-travelled, and he shares his various haunts with his readers who travel in the comfort of their armchairs or chaises or pillow-heaped beds.
Were you to ticket yourself on any travel, Miss Danda, where would you go? Perhaps your blogging buddies could offer some suggestions - places that they have been to that nurtured and nourished and enchanted. Surely everyone has a place that springs to mind. LSC

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