Sunday, January 25, 2009


Lisa, what a great idea of talking and sharing ideas of where Alex would like to go. For that matter we want to go with Alex! One of our favorite places we've shared with Julian and Alex is the picture I downloaded from our upper deck in Wellfleet on the Cape. I have many others I will post another day. So Alex I want to see if you can quess what the next picture will be. One clue is (you mentioned it the other day) for that matter you say it everytime we talk.

We spent the afternoon at The Top of Hub resturant on top of the Prudential Builing today for brunch and I wish you could have seen how clear it was and Boston looked so peaceful, cold but peaceful. Lots of Ice on the Charles river and snow in the background. You could actually see the tip of the Provincetown monument. I had a bloody mary for you and took a picture of the river looking over Harvard I'll download as well another time.

Wishing you all the best for a wonderful week and hopes you get some sunshine and get out a bit.

Love to you all!!


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