Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's an uphill battle!


I haven't told you yet, but after year's of putting my name in the lottery to try and get into the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon I finally got in! You can tell it is a down economy if I got in because it means no one else is willing to hand over the entrance fee. But afters years of trying to check it off the list I figured there's no time like the present! Words to live by!

I have begun to train, little by little. Putting my running shoes on and hitting the road, swim cap and goggles secured and in the water I go and this morning all geared up and back on my bike. Two flat tires later and I survived (always get back on your bike with a guy in tow). I guess it had been so long since I had been on my bike that the inner-tubes has weakened and the rubber just split. I thought to myself...this is going to be an uphill battle!

Uphill battles whether chosen or not force us to dig deep and take each day as it comes with our eye on the prize somewhere far down the line-for me it is June 14th the day of the race. But I have no better motivation than thinking of you in London faced with your own battle. There were times today during my first ride of the season that I thought I was not built for this, this hurts, I want to quit...BUT if you dig just a little deeper you say, but I can't and I won't and so pedal after pedal I arrived safely home. I will be thinking of you every step of the way and with a little voice in my head and you riding alongside me on my shoulder I will be sure to make it to the end. I hope sometimes you can hear my little voice cheering you on as well, telling you, you can do it, dig deep! I love you!

Attached is a picture of some swimmers off of Alcatraz and again I ask myself why would you want to jump off a perfectly good boat into 50 degree water to swim with the sharks?! And I say because I have a body that lets me!


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