Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I love all the hats! Alexis the tweed is great!! I can see that on Alex and it will make her look very Londonish.
Is that a word?
Since it is once again snowing in Boston I thought I'd post summer photos. This was summer of 2006 waiting for the 4th of July parade in Wellfleet. I hope to take James this year to the parade. It's so much fun and they throw alot of candy off the floats. Can you tell I'm ready for summer?
Alex, I'm sitting here writing and in your apartment below it sounds like the floor is going to fall in. Boy it was never that noisy with you around. The dog is out of control. I do miss listening to you in the morning getting ready for work and walking across the floor in your heels. It was so soothing to hear at 5:00 A.M. I mean that! It would calm me knowing you were there. It's just not the same without you here!!! As you can imagine Stephen goes nuts about the dog and paces around not knowing what to do with himself without Julian. Hope your doing well and to all keep writing!
Love to you all!

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