Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hi All,

So the cat is out of the bag! I have taken on the technological revolution with as much gusto as Alessandra has taken on fighting cancer! I have sworn as well! F-bombs rolling off my tongue as I navigated the in's and out's of figuring out this blog world! Maybe in this new virtual world we are creating we can use the word "blog" to mean I am feeling bogged down and crappy since we all know we can feel that way-at least then Danda can shout "I am really feeling bloggy", or "blog this damn disease" and the nurse will be able to keep the door open without offending too many people on the ward! Oh, blog it!, I have to run, this silly thing call work calls...will write more about this blog in a moment!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexis, Thanks again for setting up this blog. I'm also new to the world of blogging. So - Bloggidy Blog Blog Blog! Hee, hee.

    How does this work? Will you just be posting messages, or will we all be able to? Educate me please!!!!!

    Oh by the wy, I hope you remember me. I went to Tufts with Alex and I met you at your house in Maine for the wedding party. Fun times!

