Thursday, January 29, 2009

A hello, a bucket of thank you's, and the best hat entry by far.

Hello to All - It has simply been wonderful to come to this blog everyday and read the many messages, so let me start by saying a HUGE thank you for all your notes, and a special thank you to Alexis for setting this all up. They have been morale boosters, smile makers, and comforts as I feel you all very much with me. It has meant so much and I am very touched and grateful. Thank goodness for technology!

Speaking of which, yes, Alexis was right.... I have been sitting for days trying to work out how to post a blog, thinking, "Well, it can't be THAT difficult....!" - wild quests to find the "NEW POST" blue button that the Google Website Help Center talks about.... where the hell is that bleeping blue button on the page, I just can't SEE it.... and then AHA! Alexis sends me the invite.... never has an invitation been so welcomed! I sighed with relief that the chemo has left some of my brain cells (or should I say sanity?) intact. :-)

I am doing well, given the circumstances. Came back from the hospital this morning where I had my latest blood count checked, and all is fine and strong. Round #3 of chemo is next week on Wednesday, so the goal is to keep boosting my immune system and keep getting stronger as I prep for yet another hit of medicine. Dreading it deeply on the one hand, while embracing the fact that it is there to help heal me, and I will be halfway through my chemo sessions when it is over. Always a silver lining - it is one of my many mottos as I journey through all of this.

I must go and take a nap... I am learning, odd as it sounds, to try to slow down.... naps and I never really went hand in hand (no shit, Sherlock), always the "too much to do and too little time" approach, which most certainly contributed to my getting into my current pickle. As I said, I am learning, lessons that I should have learned a while back. I guess that I am destined to forever be a student, and this class is by far the hardest to date.

I leave you with the attached photo, which in my opinion (biased as it may be) steals the prize for best head gear... Be your own judges, but wouldn't you say that this handsomely modelled hat wins...?

So much love to you all.

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