Friday, January 30, 2009

Helping Alessandra out

We here stateside from Alessandra's work relationships have been wanting to help out in any way we can. Together we decided that we would set up an account at Whole Foods to allow everyone to take care of Alessandra as well as themselves through this ordeal - lots of healthy food and special treats and splurges for the body. We've finally set up a website for Alessandra through which anyone can donate to the fund via PayPal! (Thanks to Karen Kiley-Brabeck and her brother for the technical work!! Couldn't have done it without them!)

So whenever you want to "send a treat" to Alessandra and her family, feel free to log onto this site and donate. If you want Alessandra to get a note with the donation, do send me an email - I've been sending those along to her. (

Health and happiness to you all,

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely "delicious" idea - packed with good intentions and overflowing with kindness. Quite a unique idea and one that is sure to make a difference. As Alessandra, my sister and niece, Chiara, plus Julian and Anthony (Chiara's squeeze) frequently eat together, I expect they will all live to be as old as Methuselah! Hats off to you all for a really special gift of love and concern. Lisa Curreri
